Congratulations to Élodie Bénard, who successfully defended her doctoral thesis on January 15 and has been named to the Honour List of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at Université Laval! [ Honour List ]
‘Cost-effectiveness of extending human papillomavirus vaccination to population subgroups older than 26 years who are at higher risk for human papillomavirus infection in the United States’
Our team contributed two articles to the October-November 2024 issue of the JNCI Monograph, focusing on the State of the Science of Single-Dose Prophylactic HPV Vaccination
Marc Brisson, Mélanie Drolet, and Élodie Bénard participated in the International Papillomavirus Conference (IPVC) 2024 held from November 12-15 in Edimburgh, UK.
Marc Brisson presented ‘Optimal HPV vaccination strategies in low- and lower-middle income countries (LMICs)’ on November 8, at the Infectious Disease Modelling Conference 2024 (IDM2024) held November 6-8, 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Marc Brisson and JF Laprise, in collaboration with Thailand’s Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP), conducted a workshop titled ‘Knowledge Translation Workshop: Mathematical Modeling to inform HPV Policy Decisions’ in Bangkok, Thailand, on November 4-5, 2024.
‘Switching from a 2-dose to a 1-dose program of gender-neutral routine vaccination against human papillomavirus in Canada: a mathematical modelling analysis’
Marc Brisson was invited to present online ‘Mathematical modeling of HPV vaccination and Cervical Cancer screening in Thailand: What is the HPV-ADVISE model & what questions can it explore?’ at the ‘Stakeholder consultation meeting of economic evaluation and budget impact analysis of 9 variants of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in Thailand’, in Bangkok, Thailand, on September 10 2024.
Our 4-year project, titled “Optimizing HPV vaccination programs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC) and Canada to reduce inequalities and reach global elimination of cervical cancer: An integrated knowledge translation dynamic-modeling approach” has been funded with $1 million by the The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). This project aims to identify optimal HPV vaccination strategies that can accelerate global CC elimination and reduce health inequalities, considering the opportunities provided by 1-dose vaccination. We will collaborate with decision-makers/researchers from 5 LMICs (Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Thailand, Laos, Colombia) and 2 high-income countries (HICs), Canada and the US.
‘Optimal human papillomavirus vaccination strategies in the context of vaccine supply constraints in 100 countries’
Marc Brisson was external contributor to the “WHO preferred product characteristics document for therapeutic HPV vaccines” published online. [ WHO ]
Marc Brisson and Mélanie Drolet , along with our colleague at the research center Souleymane Diabaté participated in the Workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Cervical Cancer Screening in Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso, held in Abidjan, June 10-13, 2024. The project is supported by “Doctors of the World – France”. Marc Brisson and Souleymane Diabaté participated in person, Mélanie Drolet, virtually.
Marc Brisson and Mélanie Drolet participated in the Gavi HPV Vaccine Programme Face-to-Face (F2F) Sub-team Meeting, held in Geneva, Switzerland, from June 11-13, 2024.
Marc Brisson participated in the Technical Meeting: Accelerating HPV-related Cancer Elimination and HPV Faster, held in Antwerp, Belgium, June 6-7, 2024, and organized by the HPV Prevention and Control Board. He made 2 presentations on June 7:
Marc Brisson was invited as faculty to the 24th Advanced Course of Vaccinology (ADVAC) that took place at Les Pensières, Annecy, France, from 6 to 17 May 2024. He presented a course on “The role of health economics (including modelling) as a tool in analyzing vaccine policy options.” [ Faculty 2024 ] [ Program ]
Marc Brisson was an invited speaker at the Priorities 2024 Conference held in Bangkok, 8-10 May 2024. He presented on “HPV vaccination decision making at the global level.” [ Conference agenda ]
Marc Brisson participated in a working meeting held in Bangkok, Thailand, in May 2024 as part of a project for modelling HPV in Thailand, in collaboration with Thailand’s Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP) and the National University of Singapore (NUS)
Marc Brisson and Mélanie Drolet attended the EUROGIN 2024 conference held in Stockholm, Sweden, March 13-16 [ Program ]
Marc Brisson presented to the Canadian National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) HPV workgroup meeting on February 8, 2024: “Potential impact of switching from a 2-dose to 1-dose routine HPV vaccination program in Canada”.
Marc Brisson was invited speaker at the MIDSEA online seminar series on January 17, 2024. He presented ‘Modeling the population-level impact of HPV vaccination to help inform policy decisions’ [ MIDSEA ]
Marc Brisson and Jean-François Laprise participated in an HPV modeling workshop in Thailand, held in Bangkok in November 2023. The workshop was organized by Thailand’s Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP) in collaboration with the National University of Singapore (NUS).
‘Association of naturally acquired type-specific HPV antibodies and subsequent HPV re-detection: systematic review and meta-analysis’ [ Infect Agents Cancer ]
Marc Brisson was interviewed by Courrier Laval: ‘Prévenir les cancers du col de l’utérus une dose à la fois’ (Preventing cervical cancers one dose at a time), following our article in The Lancet Public Health.
‘Potential population-level effectiveness of one-dose HPV vaccination in low-income and middle-income countries: a mathematical modelling analysis’ [ Lancet PH ]
Marc Brisson presented to the Canadian National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) HPV workgroup meeting on September 18, 2023: “Potential impact of switching from a 2-dose to 1-dose routine HPV vaccination program in Canada”.
Marc Brisson participated to the Comité sur l’immunisation du Québec (CIQ) meeting held in Montreal, September 15, 2023. He presented “Potential impact of switching from a 2-dose to 1-dose routine HPV vaccination program in Québec”.
Marc Brisson participated to the Immunization and Vaccines Related Implementation Research Advisory Committee (IVIR-AC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) held in Geneva, September 11-15, 2023. He presented “Mathematical modeling of COVID-19 in Burkina Faso and Cameroon”. [ WHO ]
‘Global impact and cost-effectiveness of one-dose versus two-dose human papillomavirus vaccination schedules: a comparative modelling analysis’ [ BMC Med ]
Our team hosted three collaborators from Thailand’s Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP) and the National University of Singapore (NUS) in Quebec for a 3-week workshop on HPV modeling in Thailand.
Marc Brisson and Maxime Hardy participated in a workshop in Cameroon from May 29 to June 5, 2023. This workshop was part of a COVID-19 modeling project in Cameroon and Burkina Faso, conducted in collaboration with the Regional Office for Africa of the World Health Organization (WHO AFRO).
Marc Brisson was awarded a CIHR Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) Grant: “Optimization of HPV vaccination and screening in Canada, considering opportunities provided by 1-dose vaccination: A mathematical modeling study”.
Our team presented at the International Papillomavirus Conference 2023 held in Washington DC, April 17-22, 2023:
Our proposal received an overall rating (out of 5) of 4.7 in the Digital Research Alliance of Canada 2023 resource allocation competition (Fast track application). Our research group was awarded 399 core-years on Calcul Québec’s Narval supercomputer, which is estimated to an annual contribution of $42,000 from the Alliance.
Regional and country-level trends in cervical cancer screening coverage in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic analysis of population-based surveys (2000–2020)
Two-Dose Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Vaccine Effectiveness With Mixed Schedules and Extended Dosing Intervals: Test-Negative Design Studies From British Columbia and Quebec, Canada
Protection against omicron (B.1.1.529) BA.2 reinfection conferred by primary omicron BA.1 or pre-omicron SARS-CoV-2 infection among health-care workers with and without mRNA vaccination: a test-negative case-control study
Potential benefit of extended dose schedules of human papillomavirus vaccination in the context of scarce resources and COVID-19 disruptions in low-income and middle-income countries: a mathematical modelling analysis [ Lancet GH ]
Congratulations to the laureates from our team:
• Marc Brisson who was awarded the Ambassadeur étoile (Star Ambassador) Prize for his international outreach and leadership.
• Mélanie Drolet who was awarded the Employée de recherche étoile (Star Research Employee) Prize for her internationally recognized expertise, her exceptional scientific productivity and her positive influence on her teammates.
• The Group of Biostatisticians composed of Myrto Mondor, Caty Blanchette, Éric Demers and Xavier Neveu who was awarded the Groupe collaboratif (Collaborative Group) Prize. This group has provided essential, high quality and constant support in many projects for the past 20 years which has contributed to the success of several CRCHU research groups.
Estimating the effect of HIV on cervical cancer elimination in South Africa: Comparative modelling of the impact of vaccination and screening [ eClinicalMedicine ]
Immunogenicity, safety, and efficacy of the HPV vaccines among people living with HIV: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Estimated Protection of Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection Against Reinfection With the Omicron Variant Among Messenger RNA–Vaccinated and Nonvaccinated Individuals in Quebec, Canada. [ JAMA Network ]
Andrée-Anne Sabourin was awarded a Desjardins Training Grant for Research and Innovation for the 2022 competition.
Sabrina has been riding competitively for several years. She finished 2nd in Quebec and 8th in Canada for the 2022 season in the owner-amateur hunting division, which qualifies her for the Canadian final in Toronto in November 2022. Good luck Sabrina!
Recent economic evaluation of 1-dose HPV vaccination uses unsupported assumptions [ Vaccine ]
Human papillomavirus vaccine effectiveness by number of doses: Updated systematic review of data from national immunization programs
Our team’s work was part of the evidence base that informed the UK Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) statement on a one-dose schedule for the routine HPV immunisation programme in the UK published August 5, 2022 [ JCVI ]
Comparison of the severity of hospitalizations with a diagnosis of COVID-19 during the 4th and 5th waves: Results of June 14, 2022 (French) [ INSPQ ]
Mélanie was awarded the ‘2nd prize of the Research Professionals Excellence Awards 2022’ [ FRSQ ]
Publication of the ‘Review of the current published evidence on single-dose HPV vaccination 4th Edition’ [ pdf ]
Congratulations to Élodie Bénard who received the 3rd prize for the best oral presentations by doctoral students and to Aurélie Godbout who received the Student Involvement Recognition Award.
Time trends in social contacts of individuals according to comorbidity and vaccination status, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Time trends in social contacts before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: the CONNECT study
Now or later: Health impacts of delaying single-dose HPV vaccine implementation in a high-burden setting
Mortality trends and length of stays among hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Ontario and Québec (Canada): a population-based cohort study of the first three epidemic waves
Population immunity to measles in Canada using Canadian Health Measures survey data – A Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) study
Protection against Omicron variant conferred by prior COVID-19 (French)
Single-dose mRNA vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare workers extending 16 weeks post-vaccination: a test-negative design from Quebec, Canada
Comparaison des durées de séjour hospitalier selon le variant présomptif
Efficacité du vaccin contre la COVID-19 causée par le variant Omicron au Québec : Résultats préliminaires (Efficacy of the vaccine against the COVID-19 caused by the Omicron variant in Quebec: Preliminary results) [ INSPQ ]
‘Time trends in social contacts before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: the CONNECT study’ [ medRxiv ]
‘Optimal human papillomavirus vaccination strategies to prevent cervical cancer in low-income and middle-income countries in the context of limited resources: a mathematical modelling analysis’ [ ScienceDirect ]
Aurélie was awarded 2 prizes for her presentation at the 7th SP-POS Axis Research Day 2021: 1) the 2nd prize for the best oral presentation of master’s students (jury prize) and 2) the public’s favorite award (public vote). His presentation was titled: ‘Les contacts sociaux des québécois avec comorbidités ont-ils pu influencer la sévérité de la 2e vague de COVID-19 ?‘ (Could the social contacts of Quebecers with comorbidities have influenced the severity of the 2nd wave of COVID-19?).
‘Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine uptake among a community-recruited sample of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in the three largest cities in Canada from 2017 to 2019’ [ PubMed ]
From cervical cancer elimination to eradication of vaccine-type human papillomavirus: Feasibility, public health strategies and cost-effectiveness [ PubMed ]
Aurélie Godbout was interviewed on her master’s work by ULaval nouvelles: ‘COVID-19: la deuxième vague moins sévère en raison des efforts soutenus des personnes à risque?’ [ ULaval nouvelles ]
‘The Estimated Lifetime Medical Cost of Diseases Attributable to Human Papillomavirus Infections Acquired in 2018’ [ Sex Transm Dis ]
Marc Brisson was interviewed on the 24/60 show hosted by Anne-Marie Dussault on Radio-Canada to explain the results of our modeling of the potential impact of a more transmissible COVID-19 variant in Quebec
‘Estimated prevalence and incidence of disease-associated HPV types among 15-59-year-olds in the United States’ [ Sexually Transmitted Diseases ]
‘The role of case importation in explaining differences in early SARS-CoV-2 transmission dynamics in Canada – A mathematical modeling study of surveillance data’ [ Int J Inf Dis ]
‘Estimating the health impact of vaccination against ten pathogens in 98 low-income and middle-income countries from 2000 to 2030: a modelling study’ [ THE LANCET ]
‘The Estimated Direct Lifetime Medical Costs of Sexually Transmitted Infections Acquired in the United States in 2018’ [ Sexually Transmitted Diseases ]
Marc Brisson, with his team, was chosen as Radio-Canada’s Scientist of the Year 2020 along with 3 other winners to represent mathematical modeling during the COVID-19 pandemic. The award winners were presented on January 17, 2020 on the “Années Lumière” [ Ici Première ] and Découverte [ Ici Radio-Canada ] shows. [ Radio-Canada Info ]
‘Continued HPV vaccination in the face of unexpected challenges: A commentary on the rationale for an extended interval two-dose schedule’ [ Vaccine ]
‘Epidemiology of varicella among immigrants and non-immigrants in Quebec, Canada, before and after the introduction of childhood varicella vaccination: a retrospective cohort study’ [ Lancet ID ]
Study on social contacts of Quebecers [ Dynamic vizualisation of results ]
Radio-Canada’s Découverte show presented a report on our work on modeling COVID-19 in Quebec entitled: ‘Freiner la seconde vague’ [ Ici Radio-Canada ]
Marc Brisson is interviewed in Québec Science: ‘Faut-il craindre les vacanciers du Grand Montréal?’ [ Québec Science ]
Radio-Canada’s Découverte show presented a report on our work on modeling COVID-19 in Quebec entitled: ‘La science des contacts’ [ Ici Radio-Canada ]
Marc Brisson is interviewed by Claude Bernatchez about his work to model the Covid-19 in ‘Le déconfinement, un défi pour la santé publique. Entrevue avec Marc Brisson’. [ ici première ]
Marc Brisson is interviewed about his work to model the Covid-19 epidemic and the control measures in the province of Quebec in ‘Voir par-delà le sommet de la courbe’. [ ledevoir ]
Marc Brisson is interviewed about estimating the basic reproduction number (R0, R-naught) of Covid-19 in ‘La quête du véritable R0’. [ Quebec Science ]
Covid-19 : voici pourquoi les mesures d’éloignement social sont nécessaires’ [ LeSoleil ]
Covid-19 : voici pourquoi les mesures d’éloignement social sont nécessaires
WIDESPREAD MEDIA COVERAGE for our articles published in The Lancet [ Media ] [ Media tracking via Altmetric ]
Our recent meta-analysis published in The Lancet has been selected for inclusion in the Clinical Cancer Advances 2020: ASCO’s Annual Report on Progress Against Cancer. [ ASCO ]
Marc Brisson is co-first author on two publications in The Lancet: